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We are a simple group of priests, religious and laity who come to offer our help, in this Jubilee Year of Hope.

Animated by the forthcoming Jubilee Year of Hope, and wishing to be of service to the Bishops and the Church in Ireland in its celebration, we humbly offer our inspirations in launching a renewed and revitalised rally to encourage all to explore a relationship with the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Heart speaking to heart, a fresh personal encounter with Christ. Hence an inspiration to launch a Sacred Heart Crusade of Love and Hope for the people of our nation at this crucial time in history.

As a group we offered our service in answering the Holy Father’s calls in his recent Encyclical “Dilexit Nos”, (coinciding as it does with the 350th Anniversary of the Revelations of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to St Margaret Mary Alacoque in France) for “Action[Mission] That Reflect The Heart” “[163] …which sends us forth to our brothers and sisters.”

The Sacred Heart Crusade commenced with the papal blessing of four pilgrim Sacred Heart Statues on the 8th January 2025 in Rome.

The pilgrim statues will travel to each of the four provinces in Ireland where we have requested that:

  • within each diocese the pilgrim Sacred Heart Statue visit as many parish clusters as possible over the period from February 2025 to mid June 2025 and after the 22 June event the visitation continues.
  • in each diocese the Sacred Heart promises made known to Sr. Margaret Mary at Paray-Le-Monial are shared.

The Sacred Heart Statues will travel to Ireland’s International Eucharistic and Marian Shrine in Knock  for the celebration of Holy Mass in the Basilica and the Re- Consecration of Ireland to the Sacred Heart of Jesus on 22 June 2025 and continue to visit dioceses and parishes thereafter during 2025.